Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Work, working it, and no workout

Well, I guess the Hyatt interview went well. I came home to a hand-scrawled message from Nate requesting I call them back with references. Later, he said he couldn't be sure, but he thought they said it was down to me and one other person.

I had my phone interview with Medtronic this afternoon over my lunch break. I'm not great at guaging people's reactions under normal circumstances, and it's even more difficult over the phone. It seemed to go well, but for all I know, he could have been staring out his window watching birds and picking his nose while we talked or something. He will be narrowing it down to the top 3 from the phone screening and setting up interviews with those people next week.

I may have a part-time job worked out as well. I applied for a clerk position at a video store not far from my house. The online application actually took almost an hour and a half to fill out! I was shocked. I'm supposed to call the hiring manager on Monday.

After work, I changed into my exercise clothing and sat around on the couch for four hours before deciding I wasn't going to exercise.

Instead, I called Rusty and lured him from his apartment with promises of pubs, food, and Matt Damon. We went downtown, had a bite to eat, a drink, and then went to my place and watched The Bourne Identity.

Time to crawl into bed now.


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