Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Chocolate cake of insanity

So, I think I've discovered something absolutely amazing. You'll never believe this, but I think your physical health is somewhat tied to your mental health. Crazy, I know!

Yeah... Since quitting smoking just a bit over one week ago, I have not been tired and gloomy. Generally, I am always tired and rather low-energy. Just in the last few days, I have not been. I am awake. I feel rested. I have energy. And this has helped me be much more productive. I've been interviewing, making phone calls, working on cover letters and resumes, paying bills, exercising, writing emails, and visiting friends.

The Hyatt interview seemed to go well yesterday. It was long. I can say that at least. We'll see...

I was contacted by a recruiter for Medtronic yesterday, sent a resume, and have a phone interview over my lunch break today. I'm also still waiting on the 15 resumes I've sent in the last few days for other jobs. Things are picking up quickly. Funny what actually trying to find a job will do.

I smell chocolate cake. I want some. I had hostess cupcakes from the vending machine last night. Maybe that's why it's on my mind... I think I'm insane. But hopefully in a good way.


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