Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Truer words were never spoken

Had a great time with Rusty last night, although I am still slightly suffering the aftereffects of the evening.

David and I went over to Rusty's for awhile before he left for a prior engagement.

Rusty and I had fun pre-partying, picking out our outfits, and getting all dolled up to go out. I must say, I think we were two of the best dressed in the club ;). Rusty had great shoes, a nice black shirt, and great gray clubbing pants. I went with black leather knee-high boots, fishnets, a black miniskirt, and a slinky little red top.

We went to the Saloon, wandered the bar, drank a little, danced a little, grabbed a cab back to his place, and passed out shortly thereafter.

My alcohol tolerance is embarassingly low these days... sheesh :)

I'm back in the hometown now. I managed the miserable drive on icy roads with a headache. All is quiet on the homefront.

Boy #1 wants to see me tonight. We've been having some uncalled-for drama as of late. He's been doing the possessive/asshole thing and freaked out on me about some more stuff. Frankly, it's getting old. I may be done with him.

A nice body and fantastic sex only goes so far...right?


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