Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

It's Friday after all...

Speaking of the young-twenty-something life, it looks like I'll actually be going out tonight!

Rusty and I are formulating plans for a true evening out. Pre-partying at his place, drinking and clubbing, and then who knows?

We're attempting to convince David to come with us. He seems ambivalent thus far...

I'm excited. It's been ages since I've really gone out!


2:13 p.m. ::
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Advertising, in a sense

So, I've been confused as to the mystery of why my profile and notes links don't work with this template...

And thanks to the ever-brilliant Rusty (who apparently has as much time on his hands as I do), they're back up and running :). So, as a kind of "thank you", I made him a guestbook. Everyone go sign it here!!! And if you haven't already, read his diary. It's smart and funny, just like him.

Not much going on in my life right now. I'm trying to force myself to jump back into the job search thing with gusto, but all I've mustered so far is a kind of half-assed indifferent glance around it...

Last night was spent sitting on the couch with Nate. We ordered Chinese for dinner, watched a few hours of the Jamie Kennedy Show, and I went to bed before 10... Oh the exciting life of the young-twenty-somethings!


10:30 a.m. ::
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2:13 p.m. ::
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