Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

On nomads and quitters

So, the urge to pack up and move on has hit me again. This is not totally without reason, but it's made me think about my nomadic life-pattern.

I have moved constantly since moving out of my parent's house almost five years ago. For the first few years, I moved almost every three months (sometimes less). I lost count of the number of places that I lived. Grand total, I went through "moving day" somewhere around 15 or more times. I had an insane amount of roommates.

I lived in the apartment that I shared with David for an entire year (although I kicked out the roommate who was there before him after 3 months). I've been in my current living situation for nine months now.

I'm feeling like packing up and starting over again. And it's the same with jobs. The last few years have been better, but as previously mentioned, I've had over 17 jobs since age 16. Some have lasted no longer than two days. Most were left without giving notice and by just not showing up and never going back.

So, is this due to the inconstant nature of my personality, some inborn nomadic instinct, or just plain old avoidance? I'm beginning to wonder...


3:37 p.m. ::
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Patches from head to toe

Well, I'm back on the nicotine patch. Seems to be working thus far. It is past noon and I am not having any urges to tear out my hair, eat entire bags of licorice, or scream at the people calling in here at work.

So, now I've got the nicotine patches and my birth control patches. What a modern medicine miracle! They should make patches for doing dishes, writing papers, returning phone calls, and all of that stuff. That'd be cool.

It's my little sister's birthday this weekend. I need to find her a cheap present tonight. I'm running errands with David tonight, so perhaps I'll find something then.


12:22 p.m. ::
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3:37 p.m. ::
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