Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Two for the show

My interview last night was stressful. I spent almost two hours being questioned in a small sergeant's room at the police department.

"When is the last time you smoked marijuana?"

"Never" (stutter and turn red)

"What was that?"


"Really. Not even in Europe?"


Quickly try to change subject without seeming nervous and like I want to change the subject.

Work was alright today. One of the assistant principals mistook me for a high school student. That

During my weekend of excess, I cheated and smoked a few cigarettes. I owe Colman $50.00 now. I haven't decided if I'm quitting again for sure yet. It would probably be silly not to. I haven't bought any yet. I bummed a few from Nate and David, but am not smoking more than 2 per day right now.

Fuck cigarettes. Stupid addiction.


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