Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

New Years Resolutions

My New Year's was silly and pointless and pretty much exactly what I wanted. After my long nap, I got up, sat around the apartment, and then Nate talked me into going out to a party for a little while.

I had one drink, smoked a bunch of cigarettes, and then went home before midnight.

I put on my PJs, put in a DVD, cooked some food, got stoned, and watched Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. I was in bed before 2 a.m. At least I made it to midnight this year...

I slept for 16 hours after that. I woke up around 6:30 in the evening and it was already dark out. I had 7 missed calls on my phone. I returned one of them.

Didn't feel like cooking, and we're completely out of groceries, so I ate part of a Nerds rope (Nerds candy cemented onto a nasty gummy rope), a caramel, and the rest of some beef jerky. Decided to go out to eat instead.

Rusty met me for dinner and we had a nice evening. Both of our sleep schedules were off so we spent a long night (reminiscent of high school), sitting and talking in the booth at Perkins, drinking water, and relaxing.

Got another full night of sleep last night. I'm averaging being awake between 6-8 hours per day right now. Gotta do something 'bout that...

As for New Year's Resolutions... I've made a few and already broken most of them. I need to quit smoking. For good, once and for all. I'm not feeling ready for that yet. Other than that, the resolution list contains silly little things that will fall by the wayside quite easily. (exercise, set career goals, open a savings account, plan for grad school, cook real meals, etc.)


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