Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

New Year's Eve Schmeve

I just woke up. I had various doctor appointments all morning and afterwards, I called in sick to work, went home, and went to bed.

Nothing too exciting to report. I'm back on birth control. I'm not pregnant. (Not that I thought I was, but there was the outside possibility I suppose...). I'm on the birth control patch this time around. I've done a variety of the minipills and the depo provera shot. we'll see how this one is. almost all medication has strange side affects for me. we'll see what happens with this one.

Saw my psychologist and it was good. He seems to really understand me.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do tonight. I'm not really in a celebratory mood. I've been invited a few places. I kind of just want to sit home, get drunk, get stoned, and go to bed. Ain't I just the life of the party?

My bongs have seen over two months of neglect now and I think we need some "us" time.

And there are bottles of Hard Core awaiting me in the refrigerator.


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