Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

'Til it's gone...

David and I went to a wedding reception this evening.

It was pretty much what I expected. A very small town reception at the American Legion with beer, a country music d.j., and children running rampant.

In spite of these things, I had a good time. I got to see my former co-workers and listen to hometown news. It made me realize just how much I miss them. I miss working in a place where people get up on their chairs, sing at the top of their lungs, watch bad daytime t.v. together, and actually like each other and go out together outside of work.

I almost missed the reception. I fell asleep in the middle of the day and woke up in just enough time to make the drive back. I awoke in a panic, threw on clothes, packed a bag, and ran out the door while calling David telling him I was running late. He was great. He went out and got a wedding present and card for me since I'd put it off until the day of the wedding.

David, Nate, and I went to a birthday party last night. David and I snuck away and got food and coffee, and then returned to the party.

Nate and I came back to the apartment and ended up staying up until all hours watching the rest of The Care Bear Movie, smoking copious amounts of weed, and playing video games.

Julie wrote a really nice entry about me. I'm glad she's writing here now. Go read it if you'd like to learn a bit more about me...

Seeing as it is VERY early in the morning, I should go to bed. Or something.


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