Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

You can never go home again (or can you?)

Long days, long nights...

Went to Southern Minnesota to a friend's farm with David, Nate, and some other friends on Saturday night. It was nice. It was a long drive, far into the country. We played Trivial Pursuit.

Sunday morning we drove back to town and I did taxes and had the budget discussion with my parents.

And... I'm moving back to Podunk. It's official I suppose. I'm most likely going to be offered a job at the Radiology clinic by Friday. I'll take the job and commute for six months to a year.

I don't know quite how to feel about it yet. I was miserable on Sunday night, but am alright today. I know that doing so will help stabilize me financially. Moving home will allow me to pay off my debt in one year (instead of four), and in two years or less, my monthly expenses would be around $700 less per month. I'll have a job secured in the cities, and will be in a much better position than if I stayed up here and scraped by for a few more years...

But, ugh. Podunk. (O-town). I suppose things will go back to the way they were last time I lived there. Work, home, television, sleep, to the cities each weekend, repeat. (Kind of like "lather, rinse, repeat").

Went to Julie's last night for Chinese food and hanging out with her and Monica. It was nice.

Time to go eat my leftovers now.


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