Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Little rotten girl

Last night was fun. I went to David's show. He played well, and it was good to see him perform again (other than just goofing around in his living room for me). He played my favorite song (the title of this entry). The Love Letter Band was good too. Very enjoyable.

All four C*le sisters were there and it was insane. Reminds me some of Punchdrunk Love with the loud crazy older sisters and one younger brother.

I had fun talking with his sisters about MTV and other stuff, and with his friend Shawn, whom I hadn't seen in ages, about lots of things. We may get together and go out for Indian food sometime in the near future. Shawn and I never hung out without David before, but it could be fun. There's something intriguing about a boy who will spend over $200 on a pair of shoes ($600 total in Fields in one day).

At the end of the workday yesterday, my new boss called me into her office. After just two days, she said they've been so impressed with me that they've decided they want to keep me. She said everyone has had wonderful things to say, that I'm doing an excellent job, and that I'm picking things up amazingly fast. Go me!

Is this where all of the horrible job karma comes back to me? We'll see...

So, I may not have to move back to Podunk (Julie's name for our former hometown, which I'm adopting)! Yay!!! I find out by next Friday if they are going to be able to meet my salary requirements. Everyone cross your fingers for me. Please.

And speaking of Podunk, I must now get my things (and myself) ready to go there.


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