Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

When you say nothing at all

Damn these confusing immigration websites!

Lexy offered me part of her room and cheap rent. I wanna go! Does anyone know anything about work permits and Canada? I'm massively confused...

No money, no money, no money.

Rusty took me to dinner tonight. We had Mexican, and then went to the mall. He's my shopping buddy :). (Although, I bought nothing...)

I got an email from Boy #1 today. Sometimes, I read these things that he has taken the time to write to me and I just feel sad. Today's email was about how he once had a headache from a bee sting and almost had to go to the hospital even though he's not allergic to bees (and believe it or not, it was worded even less coherently than that). Not too terribly long ago, there was one about how he has to try to remember to write '03 on his checks now and what a pain that is and how last year it took him forever to remember to write '02 on his checks.

"You say it best when you say nothing at all", or however that stupid song goes... But yes, it's getting hard to ignore the lack-of-intelligent-conversation-factor. Or intelligent correspondence. Not that I've really been in it for the conversation, but still...


11:54 p.m. ::
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On chance meetings

Jaime made me french toast for dinner last night. We had a few bongs, ate dinner, and watched a tape of "Absolutely Fabulous" episodes. I picked up Nate from the airport and we spent a quiet evening at home watching t.v. and smoking.

My bedroom is looking crowded. My parents came up on Sunday, took me to brunch, and brought up the headboard for my bed. This caused the need to rearrange the entire bedroom. I like my room, but I just have way too much furniture in it...

Doing coffee and shopping with Rusty this evening. After I see my psychologist that is...

I think the contents of my head are better said out loud to him than written here right now. It's a bit of a mess in there.

Also, really weird moment. On my way out of downtown today, I'm almost positive I saw David's ex-Jeff. I did a double-take.


4:34 p.m. ::
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11:54 p.m. ::
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