Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

On indifference, er something

Had cramps from hell yesterday. Not much else even crossed my mind.

Went home after work, watched t.v., ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's (Chubby Hubby...yummmm...), and went to bed before 8:30 p.m.

I'm broke. Really really really broke. I'm already late on one payment this month and had to borrow money from my parents for another. I don't want to borrow anymore so I'm just going to be late on this payment. If I don't get a job really soon, I'm going to be in big trouble. I think.

But, whatever. I'm not going to end up on the streets or anything. Someone will take me in...

Nothing too exciting planned for tonight. Picking up Nate from the airport tonight. Hopefully the VCR is correctly programmed to tape Buffy.

Almost everything I own clothes-wise has been sitting in the trunk of my car for a week and three days now. I'm getting "creative" with outfits this week. I don't know why I have such a ridiculous aversion to doing laundry. I wonder how much longer I can make it without washing something. Maybe until the end of the week if I run out and buy a package of socks...

My hair looks nice. I'm using a new shampoo. Blah.


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