Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

something or other or nothing

i didn't go to the cabin this weekend. twelve hours in the car merits something more than crappy weather and one brief day. i'll wait to go when the weather gets nicer and when i can stay there longer.

nate is home tonight, so we'll be doing something later.

tomorrow i get to see david for the first time in about a month. and i get to go to his lovely house out in hudson. it should be a nice evening. i had a lot of fun the last time i went out there with david.

i want to start packing now, but it's much too early. i'm just anxious. it's been much too long.


7:58 p.m. ::
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all of this for nothing

i ended up going in to work last night. i'm pretty tired today. i was getting trained in for evening shifts on the weekends, and working on answering critical 911 calls. i am now trained to answer domestic abuse calls, medical emergencies, and other crap.

this is all good and well, but the reason behind it isn't. i found out that i'm being mandated to work friday and saturday night next weekend from six in the evening until four in the morning. there are all of these state laws about the minimum amount of people that must be staffed in the dispatch center at all times, how many hours in a row someone can work, and all of this other stuff. so, essentially, by law, i have to go in to work because we're going to fall under. because we've fired so many people lately, i'm all that is left.

so, it looks like i won't be able to make it to david's 21st birthday at his place. this does not make me happy.

i haven't yet decided for sure if i'm going to go with my family to the cabin this weekend. it looks as though the weather is going to be less than pleasant, and it'd be nice to have the house to myself for a happens so rarely.


1:34 p.m. ::
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7:58 p.m. ::
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