Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

And also because....

And! And! she showed me pictures of her chest :D.

Hehe :)

(really just of a shirt)


10:30 p.m. ::
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Why Kat is so fun :D

The first day of work in the county attorney's office was good. One of the best "first days" at a job ever actually.

My office has a gorgeous view of downtown. And the people are so nice. I've forgotten that people you work with can be nice!

Yay! I like Kat. Isn't she fun?

Her: ohhhhhh yeah. i tapdance on that thin line between genius and madness.
Me: mine's more like madness and mediocrity :).

Her: one has to hog out every once in a while. there was recently a pizza party for the school...
Her: and since there were soooo many pizzas lying around, i ate all the cheese off one and left the crust.

Her: hehee... oh. but surely there is something you *want* to do?
Me: i want to retire
Me: i want to be a housewife without kids who doesn't clean or cook.

Her: aliens in the pooter.
Me: illegal aliens?
Her: the illegalist. :D

I'm sooooo tired tonight! I ran for an hour tonight. And it felt really good. I thought starting up exercising again after my long hiatus due to the flu would make it really tough to begin again, but it really hasn't. How strange.

Not really smoking full-out again, but I am still having about two a day. I haven't bought a pack though. But, it has to stop soon, or it'll grow to more.


10:12 p.m. ::
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10:30 p.m. ::
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