Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

What country shall I say is calling

I had a really fun night last night. Rusty's holiday/housewarming party was really fun. I went early and made the fondue in his kitchen. He has a really nice place. He made tons of good holiday treats too. I was stuffed.

It was fun to get semi-dressed-up too. I wore a silver and black sparkly top, a longish indigo jean skirt with a slit, black fishnets, and tall black leather boots. Before I left, I came out of my bedroom and my friend Joe said "Wow, you look hot". I was happy :D.

While I was there, Boy #1 called my cell phone. He's never called without me knowing he was going to call before. It was nice. Said he hadn't heard from me in awhile and I hadn't responded to his emails so he thought he'd just call me.

I'm happy about where things are with him. We're finally in that place where the "friend" part of the "friends with benefits" thing means something. I'm rather ambivalent about where it's going or what it means. Simply put: I like him, and I have fun with him. That's enough.


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