Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

rhymes with month

i see that very few people have changed my username in their profiles... does this mean they have not found me? this i do not know...

oh, piolo finally emailed me back :). that made me smile tonight.


11:39 p.m. ::
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with tidings such as these

saturday night included discussion of tempered tuning, the history of rap, philosophy as it pertains to fantasy writing, a discussion of escapism, and several other interesting topics.

i went out with julie and we ended up sitting in a diner talking until late in the night. it was exactly what i needed and didn't know i had been missing.

julie is one of the most interesting people that i know. she lives life passionately. she's always reading, always learning, always discovering... she cares about music theory, about art, about being literate. she teaches a french class, she works with a paraplegic woman, she does photography, she has a darkroom, she writes amazing poetry, she sings, she's learning to make her own medicines, she plays guitar and viola, she had a baby at 16, she cooks, she has an amazing sense of self, and she's one of my favorite people.

sometimes i wonder what she sees in me as a friend. sometimes i feel like she's too smart for me. she's so interesting, and sometimes i feel like i have nothing nearly as interesting that i bring to the friendship.

i drove home at three in the morning with a sinking feeling as the first flakes started to fall. i slept in today. i didn't change out of my pajamas at all. there is a layer of snow covering everything again. i had a long long "budget session" with my parents today. it was wholly depressing. all things considered, i will be 28 by the time i've paid off my non-college debt. we sat at the table going over numbers, discussing different plans for consolidation and refinancing. i was near tears.

i went back to bed. when i got up my parents sat me down and told me that they had been looking over their finances and decided to take on the payments for one of my student loans and that they were going to sign over the car to me. no conditions, no more money owed. sometimes they really come through for me.

nate and i signed the lease on the apartment on saturday afternoon. it looks like things are moving forward.


10:51 p.m. ::
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11:39 p.m. ::
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