Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

she sips grapefruit soda

david informed me that my former roommate, alisha, is pregnant. un-fucking-believable. i can't explain. you have to know her i guess, so i won't try to. let's just say that my brain reeled in horror.

i've been sick since saturday night. after the migraine on saturday night it just got worse. sunday i was run down and tired all day and by monday i had a high fever and general malaise. i stayed home from work.

here's how out of it i was...i called in sick twice. nice, huh? at least they knew i was really sick i guess. i guess my dad came home sometime during the day and spoke to me as well, but i have no recollection of it. i went in for a little while today. i pulled some 911 tapes for upcoming court cases that had to be done today. then my boss came in and told me to go home. she said i looked terrible and she didn't want to get whatever i have, so they'd pay out my sick leave if i would just leave :). nice, huh?

my sister gets home from school tonight. she had her last final and is probably in the car on the way right now. she leaves for africa in less than a to christianize those heathens in kenya. *sigh*

anyhow, i'm still feeling crappy. i'm gonna go watch tv or something.


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