Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

helicopter safety and you

i went to work this morning. then home again in the middle of the day to sleep some more. i came back this evening for training and a dispatch meeting. nothing too exciting. the training had something to do with helicopters, but i was feverish and annoyed, and didn't catch much of what was going on.

the main points were something like "don't drive your squad car under the helicopter while it's trying to land", "don't go running up to the helicopter when it's trying to land", and "stay away from the helicopter". common sense shit. (the training was for dispatchers and officers...i won't be anywhere near any helicopters).

nate is home tonight. he's at dog obedience class right now and should be coming over afterwards.

i'm beginning to get a bit anxious about getting a job. i'm not going to move until i get one. i can't afford to not work...and be without insurance. so, temping really isn't a very good option. hopefully something will come together soon. it would be nice to have it taken care of and out of the way. i just want to move...

very strange thing... i noticed that kat had an icq number listed in her profile today, so when i got home tonight, i went to add her, and when i logged in, an authorization request from her popped up. she must have read my mind :). quel coincidence...

pour une fois, j'ai eu l'idee d'ecrire en francais, mais pour la plupart de temps, je suis trop paraseuse. et, vraiment, j'y suis. je n'ai pas le motivation pour faire sur que ce que j'ecrirai serai correcte, et je suis sur qu'il y a beaucoup de fautes. mais, trop mal, c'est ca. il y a une fois quand j'ai l'abilite d'ecrire tres bien en francais. j'ai ecrit un these a propos de theorie literaire tout en francais, mais maintenant, j'ai oublie entierement l'abilite. bah.

(and i can't figure out how to do the stupid accents on this computer) pooh.


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