Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

On frustration and windows

You know, my frustration levels are reaching a new high here. The window of time is closing for him...

Julie reminded me of my window last night. She said, "You know, he really doesn't understand you at all, because if he did, he'd know that you have a window. There is a very small window of time with you and if you miss it, it's just gone and it isn't coming back". So true...

He wrote back, again. Started if off with "Hey cutie-" and proceeded to ask about my roadtrip, my weekend, and how I'm doing. He said to write back all the details because he has plenty of time to read... Said he's getting a new cell phone tomorrow and he'll be sure to send the number once he knows what it is. WTF???

Well, the window is almost closed. I'm about ready to wash my hands of the whole thing and accept the eventual outcome of this: casual friendship. It seems as though he will not reply to the original declaration in any real way now. He's just bypassed it and decided to pretend it didn't happen. This does not work for me. I don't want to say it's all or nothing, but in a way, it kind of is.

If he doesn't come through here, I'm not going to withhold friendship, but it isn't going to be a close one. We'll exchange emails, perhaps see each other a few times a year, but it won't be the same. I don't want it to be.


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