Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Sarah the trucker

I had a nice night last night. After work, I went to my psychologist appointment, and then over to Rusty's. We went out to the Green Mill and sat around eating, drinking, smoking, and talking for several hours.

I got home and talked to Julie on the phone until all hours of the night. Lots of laughing and giggling was involved.

Oh yes! Before I forget, I'm actually considering getting into long-distance truck driving. Like semis and stuff. It's one of the only employment ideas I've had that doesn't make me cringe. Am I nuts or what? My dad is looking into it for me.

Oddly enough, back in high school, we did all of this computerized career testing and "long distance truck driver" was my #1 career match. At the time I went "What the hell? I'm going to college...". Now I'm going "What the hell did I go to college for?"

Granted, I don't want to drive trucks for the rest of my life, but I could see myself doing it for a few years.

I'm exhausted today. And I skipped my morning cigarette to be on time for work. I keep turning around to smell the smoke scent on my scarf. One and a half hours until my break...


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