Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

you can't quit after one day

well, it's been awhile since i've written here. i had my last day of work last friday. my co-workers took me out for a big going away party. we started at a restaurant and moved on to the bar later that night. they bought me really nice gifts. i was happy about how many people actually came. most of the dispatchers who weren't working came, as well as almost all of the records department, and even a few of the cops.

i finished moving my things into the apartment on saturday. i went out for a birthday dinner with david, nate, julie, andrew, and joe. we had more people over for a little get together at the apartment that night as well. not too bad.

the last few days have mostly included sitting around the apartment, watching movies, getting high, and getting nervous about starting the new job.

and today i started. and it was a joke. my boss was out of town for a trial, so i sat and stared at the wall. my office is a communal printer room with everyone's crap littered about, no windows, and 1970's style office decor. compare it to the spacious modern office with floor to ceiling windows at my old job and i want to cry.

and, they use DOS! good god. they don't even use the standard applications like word, excel, and outlook. i don't even know what to do. i couldn't even figure out how to use the printer. who, besides ass-backwards lawyers use word perfect?

so yes, i'm already frustrated. and even more nervous. and the sinking feeling has definitely started. what have i gotten myself into?


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