Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

The sting of defeat

Sitting alone in an empty apartment listening to "Colorblind" on repeat.

My Chaddy came tonight. We went for dinner. Something about him always makes me feel better about myself. He makes me feel stronger than I am. And I will always love him for this.

There is a job opening up at the place I'm temping at right now. I think I could have it if I decide that I want it. I don't know if I do yet.

I received an abudance of Christmas presents. The headboard and mirror that complete my bedroom set. A DeWalt cordless electric drill (just what I asked for). Jewelry, expensive perfume, books, the second season of the Simpsons on DVD, good luck soap, clothing, etc. A record player from Christy's parents.

Christmas Eve was spent with David, driving around, talking, feeling (temporarily) good.

I crashed yesterday. My mood has been so up and down. Christmas Day I slept and slept. And drove back to the apartment. I could barely get myself up for work this morning.

I am just so tired. I know in my head that things are going to be okay. But my heart doesn't believe it.


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