Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

I am an evil genius

Nevermind. I fixed the guestbook somehow. Not sure exactly what I did, but if you use that form on the right now, it works.

So use it!


9:44 p.m. ::
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She's come undone

So, I kind of (really) had a breakdown on Sunday morning. I woke up crying. Not for any particular reason, but I was sobbing when I woke up, and I couldn't stop. And didn't for several hours.

I cried and cried and called my Dad and cried some more. I called David, cried some more, and drove home to my parent's house. I didn't stop crying until I'd been on the road for about 30 minutes.

I spent the day with my Dad and watching the Food Network. My Mom came home, we talked. We all had dinner together. I felt safe. I felt better. Until I got in my car to drive back here. And then I came apart again.

I couldn't get up this morning. I couldn't get myself out of bed. I didn't call in to work. I just didn't go. The (bitch) office manager called and left messages.

Eventually, I got up and called them back. I didn't really know what to say. I still don't. They were (obviously) upset. I just said that I was having a personal crisis and that I didn't know what else to say. My boss said that we would talk about it tomorrow.

I spent the rest of the afternoon calling psychologists. I got a few referrals from my insurance company. No one has any appointments for about a month. One of the phone counselors suggested getting a medical leave from work from my family doctor until I can get in to see a mental health professional.

I don't have a family doctor. So, I spent a good deal of time going through my provider booklet and calling everyone until I found someone I could get in and see today.

So, my new doctor gave me two weeks worth of Paxil and a letter requesting medical leave forms from my work for her to fill out, as well as a note asking my boss to give me a week off due to medical reasons.

I'm not going to be able to take that long off. I need to be able to pay rent. But, supposedly, by law, they now cannot fire me for missing work. Or something.

I don't know what I'm going to say to my boss tomorrow. I don't know what I'm going to do next. I'm really just lost. I'm tired. I'm just not ready to deal with all of this right now. And I don't know what to do.


P.S. Does anyone know why my guestbook doesn't work?

8:32 p.m. ::
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9:44 p.m. ::
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