Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Big Dull Dud

Killing time before I see my psychologist. I woke up two hours before my alarm this morning.

Oh yes, the date...

So, yeah. I'm going to make an honest attempt never to get worked up before a date again. Because, once again, blaaaaaaaahhhhh.

Granted, it was better than the last one (chainsmoking until I was naseous and listening to this guy drone on for hours about what a bitch his [recent] ex-girlfriend was), but that's not saying much.

This guy apparently has no sense of humor, and nothing too interesting to say. I may be delusional, but I'd like to think at least some of my stories are funny... This leads to my next question. "How many times can you answer a question with 'yeah' or 'whatever' before you drive someone nuts?" (I lost count or I'd answer that for ya).

So, yes... I'd sleep with him, but I wouldn't date him. Actually, the sleeping with him thing would be questionable too. Only borderline hot...


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