Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Well hydrated and sleepy

I couldn't sleep last night. I was up way too late. Not doing anything in particular. Just working myself up and feeling anxious.

Nothing too exciting today. I paid bills, watched television, and ran errands. I went to get groceries and left with a ridiculous assortment of things.

These include:
2 jugs of cranberry juice,
2 jugs of grapefruit juice,
6 pack of bottled water,
10 bottles of Jones Soda (thought of you!),
2 mini cartons of milk,
and other random junk.

I was on a bit of a beverage kick or something.

I haven't had much to say here lately. More and more people that I know in real life are reading my diary these days. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I find myself feeling more guarded in my writing. For those of you have the addresses, my other diaries have become an outlet again.

Time to do some knitting now. Maybe a nap as well.


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