Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Will my life become too stressful if I'm never that successful?

It was a particularly slow week. Heaps of snow just make me want to curl up in my couch and hide. I watched an obscene amount of television and knitted until my arms hurt this week.

In less than a month I've made 3 1/2 pair of mittens, 6 scarves and a funny looking purse kinda thing. In the process of this, I have also watched 6 discs of Alias (Season 2), 6 discs of Buffy (Season 5) and 2 discs of The Simpsons (Season 3).

I've somehow managed to get a fair amount of Christmas shopping done. I've also managed to do this without hitting the malls. Malls during the holiday season scare me. A lot.

I had a talk with my boss this week about the possibility of moving into another position. I'm not sure if that is what I really want, but I guess I'm pursuing it now. The two options would be clinic management for the vascular treatment center or possbily doing HR for the current place. I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I'm not even sure it's a good idea. I'm finally in a place where I have good employees under me and am not the only member of my department. While this is the reason I am able to consider moving into something else, it is also a nice reason to stay put. I'm almost certainly not going to get paid more by switching and would be taking on more responsibility and stress. It would be a good "career" move for me, but life has just started to get a lot more simple and I'm not sure I'm ready to give that up yet. Sheesh.

I've made plans to go bar hopping with Anne tonight. I suppose that means I should shower and put on clean clothing.


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