Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Pathetic party girl crap

Someone read 163 pages of my diary a few days ago. How odd...

It has been quite the week. I went out every night and tonight will be no exception.

Monday night defies description. I went out for drinks with Anne, Ruthie and John. We had an afterbar at the condo and things got more bizarre than I can possibly describe. At one point in the night Anne was brushing my hair with a pasta scooper. Ruthie ate half a jar of peanut butter and a whole block of cheese. John spent the night hitting on Anne. Ruthie and I got into a battle where we were hitting serving spoons on the floor trying to "pin" the other person's spoon. And then it got weirder and I just had to go pass out.

Tuesday night we went to a ritzy downtown bar in Minneapolis for cocktails after work and ended up staying much too late. We had one of the best known lawyers in the state buying us drinks all night and then Sugar Ray Leonard came in. Ruthie went and talked to him and then he came and bought us a drink. One of her male model friends came down later and then we finally made it back to the condo.

Wednesday night my friend Joe came up and took me to dinner. We then went to see The Return of the King at the Mall of America and didn't get back until 3:30 a.m. The next day at work was the worst I've suffered through in years. I took a nap at lunch and it just made it worse.

Instead of catching up on sleep, I went to Anne's last night. We went out and bought a bottle of wine and then hung out, knitted, watched t.v. and talked. It was relaxing and nice but I didn't get home until after 1:00 again last night.

Tonight is a party to celebrate Nate's graduation. I'm going to be sober drive in exchange for a place to crash for the evening.

In other news, I'm one present away from being done with my Christmas shopping. I'll be glad when it's all over really. It'll be a bit hectic and crazy. I will enjoy not being at work though. They've been exceptionally bastardy (yeah, not a word, I know) this week.


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