Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Home for the holiday

Thanksgiving was lovely. I ate until I felt like my insides might burst and flood into the rest of my body. After that I groaned on the couch for awhile and then ate pie.

It has been a quiet few days back here in Podunk. I haven't left the house. I've been watching excessive amounts of food tv, knitting and helping cook and clean.


Things have been picking up in my social life since I've moved closer to the cities. I've reconnected with some old friends and have actually been doing things. I'm trying to take a friend's advice and changing my perspective. Work is just what I do to kill time between my life.

I went out or had social plans 4/5 nights last week. It was nice. I guess I started drinking again as well.

Thursday night was the silliest. Anne and I went out to a ritzy place to meet up with Ruthie. It was valet only with a dress code posted at the door. We were definitely the youngest people in the bar. It's the place where the rich (30-50 yr. old) crowd hangs out in the winter when they can't be out on the lake in their yachts. There were several amusing moments and lots of trash talking by Anne and me. We didn't pay for a drink all night though so it turned out to be a fun and intoxicating evening.


I kind of feel like I'm in need of maintenance or something. Like a car I guess. Like I need my transmission flushed and brake work or maybe a complete overhaul.

I've been thinking about budget stuff and finances and planning for the future the past few days. Choices about giving up stuff in the present for future gain. My mom said something to me about investing and buying a house in a few years and my mind went temporarily numb. It can't already be time to think about that stuff, right?

I guess I do feel like I'm ready for some things to change though. I'm just not sure exactly what yet. I'm not ready to tie myself down financially yet.

I don't know. Coherent thoughts are not flowing now that I try to write what I've been thinking about. Argh. Time to doze off now.


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