Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Dreams of materialism

It has been an interesting week. I went out with my friend Anne on Monday night. We went to the bar and drank until 1:00 a.m. We racked up an $80 tab between the two of us and then got lost in the parking lot trying to drive home (shameful, I know).

Nate came over for dinner last night. I made a venison roast and he brought a bottle of wine. We watched some t.v. and then played some video games.

I went shopping after work and left Best Buy with the following:
* The Two Towers DVD
* How the Grinch Stole Christmas DVD
* Celebrity Deathmatch for PS2
* Chaos Bleeds (Buffy game) for PS2
* Spyro Year of the Dragon for PS1
* Britney Spears' new album
* Tori Amos' new album

The Buffy game is amazingly fun. The staking vampires is really neat and the graphics are cool.

I had a dream last night that some anonymous person bought me everything that was on my wishlist. It was a really nice dream. I was sad when I woke up and realized I didn't really have all of that stuff...

Time to crawl into the nest and watch some television now. I was up too late last night and I am beat.


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