Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

You may never see that friend again

It's settled, I'm moving on Sunday. I went out for drinks with the owner of the condo and my coworker last night and ironed out the details.

It will be strange living with Ruthie. She is mid thirties with two children and in the process of a messy divorce. The condo owner, Renee is also interesting but I only have some minor details figured out thus far. They are both very "Sex and the City" kinda girls. Ruthie has serious money, a closet full of fabulous shoes and clothes, and is going through some kind of second-youth-go-out-and-party-every-night kind of thing. She's all Burberry, BCBG and Coach. Needless to say, I am not. She stays at the condo on the nights when her husband has her daughter at their house and when she's not staying at her boyfriend's house. (Her husband also has his own townhome that he stays at while Ruthie is in the house).

But, we get along. She's my first real 30+ friend. I had fun telling stories at the bar with her and Renee last night. It felt strange though. I am a decade younger.

I think mostly I'm just kind of fascinated by her and her life. Two ex-husbands, houses, insured art, yachts, island vacations, amazing diamond jewelry, extensive knowledge of plastic surgery and cosmetology, pedicures, celebrity friends, assets that need to be liquidated, and much more. She gets asked out and goes on more dates than anyone I know. She's beautiful (in a very made-up, put-together way). Her divorce isn't final, but so far it's been determined that she has to buy her ex a house, pay spousal support and pay for his new car. It's all so foreign and bizarre to me.

Tomorrow night I see Belle & Sebastian with Nate and David. It should be a good time.

I won't have internet access at the condo and don't use Diaryland at work (stupid bastards checking internet history), so it may be awhile... Happy Halloween and everything else.


(I just noticed that my Sharpie marker has a phrase on it saying "not for letter writing". It makes me want to write a letter with it. Is that weird?)

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