Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

One more week of driving (myself crazy)

Well, I mourned the loss of the apartment and have moved on. Not happily, but out of necessity.

It looks as though I will be moving into my coworker's best friend's townhome out in the suburbs. It is far from the city, but not far from work. Mostly, it means I won't have to drive. She's letting me move in for cheap and I'll get to use the garage. It will be temporary until I get on my feet financially and am able to move on my own.

The townhome is nice at least. I'll be there alone most of the time. The owner of the townhome lives with her boyfriend and my coworker only stays there when she's not with her kid (about 50% of the time) and even then, spends much of that time at her boyfriend's house. I won't have to move too much stuff in. There is also a t.v. that is as tall as I am. I am looking forward to hooking up my PS2 and DVD player to it.

Little of importance is going on in my life. It was a rough weekend. I have been fighting with my mother. She has been unkind. She keeps reminding me how much weight I have gained and how much better my life would be in so many ways if I just lost the weight. Tonight she yelled at my dad for making dinner and messing up the kitchen. She is stressed out and irrational and very hard to be around right now. It will be good to be moving out this weekend.


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