Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

It's my diary and I'll whine if I want to

So, I suppose I'm nearing total burnout or something. I've been crying in my car in the way in to work for the last week now. Nothing is particularly wrong, I'm just burnt out. I'm nearing breakdown.

I have not had more than 2 days off in a row in 2 and a 1/2 years now! After coming from the college life of spring breaks, months at christmas and summers off (not to mention that I rarely went to class at all), it has been rough. It isn't the job or anything in particular, I just need a friggin' break to recoup and regain some sanity and perspective. On top of working 2 and a half years without a real vacation, for the last 7 months, I have been putting in 12+ hour days and occassionally working weekends. And, to top it off, I drive about 3 hours a day to and from work.

I don't really want to complain. I'm just so tired all of the time lately. The stress pushes me along through my day, but as soon as I leave, I just crash. I can hardly stay awake through my 9:00 p.m. dinner before crawling (literally) up the stairs and passing out. I've been sick more often in the last few months than I have been for years and years. Migraines, bladder problems, allergies, stomach stuff (again), colds, the flu, back & neck problems, etc.

I did leave early on Thursday. I drove home, took a nap, and then watched my tape with the Alias and Angel season premieres. Both were good, though I didn't really know what was going on with Angel... My Buffy/Angel obsession is becoming even more ridiculous. Now that I've hooked Christy, it's really all we talk about and it suits me just fine. I could eat, sleep and breathe it. I've now gathered almost all of my friends into the loop (minus one who continues to resist but will someday discover its brilliance). "One by one, the free peoples of middle earth fell to the power of Buffy"...


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