Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

My lovely little day

Frustration. After arriving home today I went directly upstairs, kicked my clothes around the room and screamed into a pillow until my throat hurt too much to continue. Then I went downstairs and ate dinner.

6:00 AM - leave for work (half an hour) early knowing traffic will be horrible because of the pouring rain.

8:30 AM - arrive at work (30 minutes late) after sitting in traffic forever to find two giant trees in the parking lot where I usually park.

8:35 AM - get inside the building and learn that lightning stuck the building last night, the whole building is out of power, the server is down (no email, gasp!), and everyone is PISSED OFF.

10:00 AM - still can't get anything to work. Realize the guy I hired (who started Monday) still isn't at work.

11:30 AM - call the guy. He is still asleep, promises to get in the office in 30 minutes.

11:45 AM - receive a message from someone in the other office that he called in to say he got a better offer and won't be coming in today or ever again.

6:30 PM - finally leave work after going insane all day to finish the work left by the ever-so-thoughtful-2-day employee.

7:30 PM - run out of gas before arriving home. Pull over at a gas station, fill the tank in the wind and rain. On the way back to the driver's side, slip and fall into a puddle of water, gasoline and gravel. Skin up knees, ruin dress pants, get soaked and dirty.

8:00 PM - arrive at home.


(Day 3 of no smoking. Amazingly didn't break down and buy a pack today)

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