Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Camping out in my apartment

My bed will be replaced with a blow-up air mattress today. My clothes will be piled in boxes on the floor. The weeks are flying by. The apartment is slowly emptying. Soon I will be back under my parent's roof, commuting from Podunk up to the suburbs.

Last night was an enjoyable evening spent with Rusty. We went to a dance/movement performance downtown. The performance was great, and really interesting. Avant garde with one of the best drag queens I've seen. We went to a neat little place with its own microbrewery after the show, had some food, drinks, and smokes.

I stayed up too late last night watching episodes from Buffy, Season 2, on DVD. This contributed to strange dreams about Incan mummy girls and Willow.

I am tired (but finally clean) today. And I need to pour some creativity into finding a gift under $10 by tomorrow for Mother's Day.


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