Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Strangers in the house

There are about fifteen people milling through my apartment, looking in closets, and staring at my stuff right now.

I didn't wake up when I should have. I was going to just go outside. I did at least manage to be dressed when they knocked on the door.


I got a free catscan at work this week. It was really neat. I got to see my heart and lungs and all of that good stuff. I also got to see my lunch (grilled cheese) all chewed up in my stomach. I think I'll send that picture out with Christmas cards this year.

The catscan was a bit more detailed than I thought. You bascially have incredibly detailed images that you go through layer by layer. Consequently, the three owners of the business all basically saw me in my underwear, then naked, and then my insides. So, everyone at work now knows about my nipple ring. They pulled up the images and someone blurted "woah, too much information". It was kinda funny, but a little weird.

The people are gone now. I should have asked if it was the last group. I want to smoke a bowl, eat and watch a movie now...


12:16 p.m. ::
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Playing with yarn

It's been a long week. I worked until 9pm on Monday. I worked hard all week. I am tired. I haven't updated in five days. Just haven't been online.

Went to David's show last night. It was fun. I got to hear my dedication song.

Went out for yummy Thai food with Rusty tonight. We ate, browsed the nearby bookstore and then went to my apartment, played with yarn, and watched Best in Show.

Forgot to renew my gold membership. Whoops. Are my images down?

Must sleep now. They're showing the apartment at noon tomorrow. I should get up and air out the place a bit. And maybe wipe off the counters or something.


1:53 a.m. ::
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12:16 p.m. ::
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