Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Diet Vanilla Coke saves the day

I went to coffee with Rusty last night. We were blocked at every turn in search of a place to go. The first place was unusually dark and turned out to be closed. We walked a huge circle past places that 1. didn't allow smoking, and 2. were closed/closing, and finally went into a bar & grill. They didn't have any available seating. So, we wandered on until we eventually found a place with a nice cigarette haze and ample sitting room.

My hours at work have changed. I now work from 10am until 6pm. It's rather nice. I completely miss rush hour and get to sleep in longer.

Going to Julie's tonight to give her advice about database management, administrative processes and computer efficiency. God we're unusually boring 20-somethings...


(P.S. Does the pink look awful? Seriously, I can take it [off] if it does.)

(P.S.S. Lots and lots of love and support to Lexy)

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