Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

A tray of mini sandwiches

It was a rather trying day at work today. I got to work and found out that the computers had crashed over the weekend. The last time we had backed up our patient database was three weeks ago.

So, we have to try to figure out who we've seen since then, find their files and re-enter all of their information back in to the system and redo all of the billing and insurance stuff. We also lost the patient schedule so we won't know who we've already scheduled for future appointments. Needless to say, everyone was in a really bad mood today.

The doctors were entertaining potential partner clinics this afternoon. After everyone left, I went into the conference room and ate half a tray of mini sanwiches and cookies. I also took 3 sodas and put them in my purse. I love catered food. My friend Dan and I used to crash conferences at the U when we were in college. We'd show up at larger conferences being held on campus, put on nametags, pretend to browse the literature, eat the food, and then make an excuse to slip out. Food tastes better when it's free.

I went to Jaime's after work, we ran errands, and then parked ourselves on her couch for hours. We smoked ourselves silly, and then she cooked beef stroganoff for us.

I can think of nothing I want more than to crawl into bed and fall asleep immediately. Mmmm...sleep.


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