Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

If my life were a flavor, it'd be vanilla

I guess I don't have much to say. I've been sitting here staring at the computer wondering why that is. It's pretty simple really...

There is nothing wrong right now. There is nothing exciting. There is little that is new or fresh. And while this is certainly not bad, it is not terribly interesting.

But I am momentarily content to let it be. The last year has been a mess of horrendous ups, downs and inbetweens that were an awful lot like the downs. I am happy to just coast through the daily and rather mundane routines of life. A plain and simple life. Monotonous, perhaps, yet simple.

I have a steady job. A job that I neither love, nor hate. It is strange to think about it. I can see the path laid out before me. There is little room for uncertainty. I know that if I work hard (not even that hard), I will steadily advance. Things I do out of common sense are hailed as brilliant and forward-thinking there. I am well-liked. I am admired and respected. I could feasibly do this forever. It is not exciting really, but very stable. It isn't fulfilling, yet it has filled some needs.

Things are on track. My life is devoid of drama right now. Devoid of angst, elation, anger, uncertainty, romance, depression, obsession, and glee. The three year plan is firmly in place. It's weird to have one again.


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