Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Thinking bad, sleep good

I can hear American Idol in the background... Why oh why didn't I turn off the television when I left the room? I'm too tired to walk back out there now. I'll be lucky to make it from the desk to the light switch, and back to bed.

Yeah. I'm tired. What else is new?

I didn't start exercising again, as planned (of course). Instead, I didn't eat all day, got myself good and ravenous, and then stuffed myself full of cheese, pot tarts, a lean pocket, and a meatball sandwich. I feel like I'm going to vomit now.

I think I like my job. I know I'm going to be happy when I get my first paycheck. I'm making more here than I did at the law firm.

I'm starting to bend my mind towards moving back home. It's going to happen soon enough. It's going to be weird. Again. It's probably going to be pretty lonely. Again. And, once again, it'll probably be good for me. Healthy food, exercise with my parents, much less smoking, etc. Telling myself that now doesn't really brighten the outlook in my mind though.

As for this whole 48-hour ultimatuum thing, I'm ignoring it. Plain and simple. Thinking bad, sleep good. Sleep now.


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