Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Everyone and everything that ever was

I'm employed!!! I am now officially a medical office specialist (or something like that). The radiology clinic came through with an offer today and I will be their employee as of next Tuesday.

This is almost better than I could have hoped for. They said they've been so impressed with me just in the last two weeks that they bought out my contract from the temp agency (a substantial amount), hired me at a much higher rate than all other employees in the office at my level (which I'm supposed to keep quiet), and plan to train me to move up quickly.

I'll be moving with them to the main office in a month and if the business goes well, in a few years, they plan to have me running one of the clinics on the administrative end.

Seriously. This is better than I could have expected.

I have to go now. Gotta clean up the bathroom a little before I go to the airport to pick up Christy. I am all smiles tonight.


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