Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

someone help me :)

hey, if anyone knows what's wrong with my "older entries" page, please let me know. it would be much appreciated. i can't figure it out.


8:13 p.m. ::
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kinda like paper dolls

while browsing her site, i found these fun little things. i made one for me, my best friend, and another friend.

here's me (actually looks kind of like me...i have an identical shirt):

here's christy (looks kinda like her, they didn't have one with the right shade of red hair):

here's jaime (looks a lot like her):

that is pretty much how i look (for those of you who are wondering). i'm a little over 5 feet tall, straight dark brown hair, brown eyes, no bangs, etc. lexy and lil have seen some old pictures, and of course david, nate, and colman have seen me in real life...

i went to bed early last night, slept in late today, and was still tired all day. i've gotten completely frustrated with the whole "eat well and exercise" thing. i didn't get up before work to run for the first time in about three weeks today. i just slept. i didn't run after work either. and i ate like crap. i should have smoked some cigarettes to complete the deal :).


7:36 p.m. ::
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8:13 p.m. ::
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