Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

It's About Time

The roommate is at the store buying me medicine, soup, and ginger ale :).

Disregard the angry rant below.


3:44 p.m. ::
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Please ignore the following rant

I'm still sick. I'm home from work today. I have a fever, my back hurts, and I'm miserable.

Things went from bad to worse yesterday. At the end of the night, I was lying in bed crying to my mother over the phone.

She offered to come get me. I told her she didn't have to.

But you know, fuck fuck fuck. I know that people have reasons, and I'm not even accusing anyone of anything but fuck. There have been so many fucking times that I have driven out in the cold or rain or heat to go buy pepto bismal, and pick up prescriptions, and buy bottled water and soup and gatorade and medicine for other people. Driven them to the doctor, waited in the ER, talked to the nurses for them, brought them glasses of water, sat by their bedside.

AND FOR FUCKING WHAT??? Half of those people aren't even friends anymore. And some of them won't even fucking offer to go out and fucking buy me some fucking ginger ale and tylenol.

I'm probably being irrational. But I don't care. I feel like shit and I've had a fever for too long now. I've thrown up so much that I've lost five more pounds since last Wednesday.

I talked to the best friend for a long time on the phone yesterday. I'm going to try to fly out to Boston over the holidays somehow. It seems almost unreal that I've only seen her one night since last Christmas. This will be the first Christmas in over nineteen years of friendship that we won't be together. I haven't even been to Boston since July of 2001. It's just been too long. Somehow I have to figure out a way to make it work...

I'm too irritable for this. I'm going to suck it up, get dressed, and force myself to get out of the house in my car and to the grocery store. Hopefully I won't pass out in the car. All I've kept down for the past four days is chicken broth.


12:05 p.m. ::
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3:44 p.m. ::
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