Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Pretty satin and lace slips

The sergeant backgrounding me called this evening. All is well. He said nothing has come up that would disqualify me...which is good. For some reason, my high school transcripts have not shown up yet though.

Today was the office potluck. I went and ate their food and then snuck out before the "white elephant" gift exchange thing (being my second day working there and all).

I ran for another hour this evening. Didn't feel as good as last night. I'm tired. And I had fuelled my body with crap at lunch.

I have lots of sizeable holes in my pajamas. Oh well. I ordered some new ones today. Despite being overly-conscious about money right now, I charged some stuff to my Victoria's Secret card this afternoon. Pajamas, satin slips, a new bra, and a pair of boots. A bit of a spree...


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