Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

I want to hire a maid

I had fun last night. I went to coffee with David and loaded up on caffeine. Got a little jittery and nervous-energy-ish near the end.

He dropped me off at Rusty's where I ended up until after 3 a.m.

It was a nice night. We just sat around and talked and talked and talked. We have an eery amount of things in common.

I have to do some Christmas shopping today. I thought about doing it tomorrow but forgot that I have a family gathering tomorrow. Damnit. Shopping the weekend before Christmas is scary. Lots of people packed into stores are scary.

My apartment is borderline gross. I should clean, but I know I'm not going to right now.

I'm going to go for a run, shower, change, and force myself out the door and into a consumer hell :).

Boy #1 is supposed to call this evening. Many emails have been exchanged over the last few days. I think it's sorted out now. He's prying a lot about the identity of Boy #2 though.


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