Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Certainty = death and taxes, right?

Oh yeah. I found out that I have to PAY IN taxes this year. Seriously people, how is this possible? My gross adjusted income does not seem to warrant paying in.

The only reason I even bothered doing my taxes tonight was because I assumed I had a refund coming.

Current budget status:
1) wallet - around 13 cents (mostly in pennies)
2) checking - $4.00 after buying bus pass today
3) paycheck - tomorrow, already spent on health insurance
4) rent due - by Wednesday, not gonna have half of it
5) employment - temp job ends this Friday

The IRS can bite me.


12:10 a.m. ::
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When pretending to be upbeat fails

So, subtract one cigarette from my quit-meter down there... Went to Jaime's last night and couldn't resist. I had one. Just one. No more. And now I'm good for awhile.

I'm (more than) a little dejected. I don't know. I'm just tired of disappointment. I talked to my mother tonight and she pointed out that nothing in my life was absolutely horrible. She said it could be much worse, and will probably get worse. (Nice, eh?) She said no huge terrible thing has happened to me. I said it has just been a steady stream of small things, for about a year now. So which is better? One big giant smack of bad all at once, or a steady stream of it drilling away at you over time?

I've been trying not to be pessimistic. Tonight it isn't working so well.


11:59 p.m. ::
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12:10 a.m. ::
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