Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

leave a message at the tone

okay, please, just so i stop freaking out, who's ip host thingy is

it's the same server as mine...

and from what i can tell, i think it's someone who has me on their profile as a favorite diary... though, i've been wrong before.


9:55 p.m. ::
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one is the lonliest number

it's early. or late. and i just got home a few minutes ago. i went in to work tonight for someone who had pinkeye in both eyes. it wasn't too bad. there weren't any terribly exciting calls tonight. the only one that even stuck out was a girl who called to tell us that she had been walking and saw a truck drive by with someone tied up in the truck bed with their mouth duct-taped and they were thrashing about.

i went to perkins after work and ate dinner by myself. i bummed some cigarettes from two young mexican guys who were staring at me and grinning.

last night i bought the first season of "sex and the city" on dvd. i'd never seen the show. i stayed up most of the night and watched the entire first season. i'm not sure how much i like it yet. it was entertaining though. there's just always been something about sarah jessica parker that bothers me. i can't place exactly what it is though.

david was home tonight. we stopped over at a birthday gathering of a mutual friend before i went to work. it'll be nice once i'm back in the cities and he isn't so far away. i feel like i never see him anymore. and even when i do, it's brief...always interrupted by work and other obligations.


3:43 a.m. ::
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9:55 p.m. ::
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