Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

no news is good news

well, nothing too major has happened since the last entry...

things are going well on the job search front thus far. the recruiter mentioned in the last entry has been working on getting an interview set up. oddly, the job is for the lawyer for owns the art gallery that i was interviewing for a position for last fall. did that make sense? well, i was interviewing for a job as the administator of an art gallery last fall, and the gallery was owned by this lawyer and now i'm interviewing with him again. odd coincidences here...

supposedly, the lawyer person is very excited that i'm a candidate though. i found out i was the runner up for the job back in the fall.

also, i got an interview with for the dispatch job i tested for in the cities. i guess i scored very well on the test and i'll go up for that next wednesday.

my good friend chad is home from chicago for the time being and he and i went out earlier this week. i ended up staying up way too late and suffering through work the next day, but as always, it was worth it.

i went to "bad company" last night with my friend joe. chris rock was his usual funny self...little else to say about that. after the movie we stopped over at nate's for a bit since he was home for the night.

david will be home tonight, as well as my friend julie who's in town for a wedding.

all in all life is pretty good right now. i just want to get a job and then i'll feel like things are finally coming together the way that i want them to.

some of the dispatchers have invited me to a fireman's street dance thing tonight. there's a firemen's convention going on in town right now. i believe i'm going to pass on that, but it's nice to be invited. i'm actually really going to miss the people i work with when i leave here.


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