Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

A garden of burgers

I'm in love! It's true. The object of my affection? Gardenburgers. Tasty and oh-so-quick to make. I've eaten them for dinner every day this week.

Of course, leave it to me to take something relatively healthy like a Gardenburger and make it into something disgustingly, well, unhealthy. Really, they're best cooked on the stove in some extra virgin olive oil, topped with melted cheese, and dipped in ranch dressing. Mmmmmmm....

I had an interview today. It was for the position I'm temping for right now. It went incredibly well. But, I don't know if it's going to work out. Or for that matter, if they'll hire me. A good deal of their comments were along the line of "you're ridiculously overqualified for this job", "you're going to be bored", and "do you really want to work here?". Well, honestly, I am overqualified for the job. And I have been kind of bored. And taking a step down from what I'm capable of doing isn't all that appealing.

Ultimately, it's going to come down to money though. I need it, plain and simple. And, I need enough to pay my bills. The low-end of the posted salary range doesn't come near what I need just to get by. So, we'll see...

I'm into day 3 of my "stop being a lazy pathetic slob on an all-grease diet" thing. I ran 30 minutes on Wednesday, 40 on Thursday, and did 45 minutes today. I smoked my last cigarette this evening. I'm starting the nicotine patch (again) tomorrow. I'm not eating as terribly as I have been for the last few months. We'll see how long it all lasts this time.

I'm spending a quiet Friday evening at home alone. Nate is out for the evening. Before he left, he told me "I packed a pinchie for you. You'd better smoke it". (I'm too broke to buy weed these days.) Awww, it's like mom or something. Reminiscent of "I packed a lunch for you". :)


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