Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Like inviting the vampires in...

I think the insanity stage has passed. I'm not cleaning and shopping and generally freaking out anymore. I dreamt I smoked a cigarette last night though. And I was really pissed in the dream because I thought I'd have to pay up my $50.00 to him. I woke up and was really relieved :).

I'm not working this week. The temp agency won't have anything for me until next week. I'm still getting up early in the mornings and getting to sleep at reasonable hours. I've been running really hard... really pushing myself. I'm quite sore today.

A detective from one of the police department's I'm considering came to the apartment today and met with me. It got me to clean the place at the least. It was interesting. I'm really amazed at just how thorough they're being. Nate fled the building before they got here. I made coffee, and we talked for what seemed like forever (actual time = about 2 hours).

My "friend with benefits" from last year contacted me to see if I'll be coming into town for Thanksgiving this week. He and I have stayed in touch through email since I ended it last spring. Looks like I could get laid this week if I so desired.

I saw Punchdrunk Love on Sunday with Julie and Rusty. I wasn't impressed. It was nice to get out though. The weekend was rather uneventful in all, but in a good way.


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